14 lip 2010


Krzyżaka postępy, tarcza i paski, trochę korekt białego.

Pekilhube, krzyżacki hełm inspirowany pruskimi i wschodnimi (litewsko-ruskimi) wzorami wygląda całkiem fajnie.  Tarcza pruska, taka pawężka dla kawalerii ma swój wzór w tym samym źródle. Także na Mazowszu używano podobnej.

Dla uważnych czytelników - jutro 600 rocznica Grunwaldu i super promocja Grunwaldzka w sklepie adalbertus. Poniżej szybki przegląd Krzyżackich nowości, Teutoni Pegaso i Romeo Models dołaczyli do oferty Soldiersa.

You can se Teutonic Knight progress on the photos. The leathers and the shield. some whites are corrected.

Tommorrow is the 600th Anniversary of Tanennberg Battle (Polish - Grunwald) 15th July 1410. we have some new Teutonic kits from Pegaso and Romeo Models available in our model shop Adalbertus. visit us tommorrow for special offer!

Historical background

Poland after feudal division 1138-1320 has united and faced the most regarded army in Christian Europe - Teutonic Knights. After Lithuania was Christended with peace by Poles on 1386 Teutonic Order State has not more pagans to be conquerred. But it still has a border conflicts with Poland and Lithuania. Both Poles and Lithuanians remembered rutless Teutonic raids as well as lost of seaside provincies. Especially Polish Pomorze with Gdansk (German - Danzig) that was lost and slaughtered because of Teutonic Allies betrayal during defese against Brandenburg invasion in 1308-1309. United by King Jagiello (Jogaila) Polish -Lithuanian Union was far more powerful than Order knights. Moreover Poles appeared as very succesful diplomats in European and Papal courts.
To solve a grave danger to their state existence Teutonic knights prepared a huge invasion striking first in 1409 on Dobrzyń county in Northern Poland. In summer 1410 Poles and Lithuanians brilantly concentrated forces and supplies on right bank of Vistula river using a bridge assembled on boats. Surprising order forces they moved directly to the Teutonic capital Malbork (Marienberg). Union forces counted about 30 thousand combatants, probably the biggest army in XV century Europe. Their equipment quality and knight fighting skills was the same as Teutonic. Order forces vere slightly superior in organisation and tactics, Allied forces have strategical initiative and superiority in number 3:2.

Teutonic knights urgently moved to fight Union forces and finally both sides meet between Grunwald and Stebark (Tanneberg). Afternoon it was clear that Jagiello is total winner.

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